July 23, 2002
Witch Fashion Show


Residents of Puddleby averted their eyes as the local witches held a fashion show in town center.

Read below for the transcript.

Prue says, "this seems a fine opportunity to do a fashion shoot of witch eveningwear"
Ire says, "we're jet-setters, you know."
(Paramedic rolls his eyes)
Prue says, "simple black rags say "chic""
(Tere shows a feathery ankle)
(Samwise glances over at the witches)
(Samwise shivers)
Paramedic says, "Hrm."
Prue shows what looks like a disturbingly hairy ankle to everyone.
Samwise ponders, "If they weren't so freaky they might actually be pretty"
Prue says, "Accessories are everything..."
Prue shows what looks like a pair of gaudy imitation ruby slippers to everyone.
Mayo says, "err"
Samwise says, "Well"
Agent says, "As well as one can be with soooo many witches about anyways :)"
Paramedic says, "Sensible yet stylish I suppose"
Prue says, "we witches appreciate comfortable shoes"
(Tere says, "sensible shoes, even."
(Tere shows her Witchenstocks)
Paramedic says, "Hrm"
Prue says, "you can wear crepe soles and still kill on the battlefield and dating scene"
Ire says, "we have a whole line, now"
Paramedic asks, "Are non-witches interested in this clothing?"
Prue says, "they better be"
Ire says, "witchy wear is for the most discerning exiles."
Ire says, "oh, yes."
Tere says, "if they know what's good for 'em."
Paramedic asks, "Is it comfortable? Yet alluring?"
Ire says, "exiles that dress in our wear live longer lives. it's a fact"
Tere says, "of course."
Tere asks, "aren't you feeling allured?"
(Ire flashes her teeth at Paramedic)
Paramedic says, "Well, I'm not really sure what that feeling in the pit of my stomach is"
Prue says, "show off"
(Tere rests a talon on Para)
(Prue rubs her tooth)
Ire says, "that is just the lust. we get that all the time."
(Tere nods)
Paramedic says, "Doesn't feel like....lust, really"
Ire says, "It's lust."
Tere says, "you are a thoom."
Prue says, "it's lust"
Tere says, "its rare for you to begin with."
Tere says, "lust."
Samwise ponders, "Why are they lusting over Para?"
Samwise ponders, "poor thoom.."
Drib'thgin ponders, "I think he's s'posed ta be lusting over them"
Ire says, "see? a sheen of sweat on is brow. lust all over. I've seen it."
Prue says, "little known fact...."
Prue says, "before the advent of witches..."
Paramedic asks, "So, ah... what's in for witch shoe styles this year?"
Prue says, "theem were a little wrinkled hunched over race"
Ire says, "those are the dark days, before witches."
Tere says, "dark dark dark"
Paramedic says, "Mmm hmm."
Ire says, "we like black sandals"
(Tere cants in Witch)
(Ire wiggles a crusty old toe)
Prue says, "Prue prefers ruby slippers."
Paramedic says, "Ah the traditional black sandal"
Prue says, "silver slippers are ok, but not in a world of color."
Tere says, "I prefer blood red shoes of... skin."
Tere says, "no"
Tere says, "silver slippers are for a black and white world"
Tere says, "or perhaps grey"
(Prue nods)
Ire says, "not bad shoes, for a Thoom, Thoom."
Paramedic asks, "How about accessories? What goes well with witchy clothing?"
Tere says, "brooms."
Ire says, "brooms."
Prue says, "growths"
Ire says, "and big heavy pots."
Prue says, "nothing says "formal occasion" like a pointy hat"
Tere ponders, "filled with halfling"
Ire says, "you should look sexy as you make stew, we say"
Drib'thgin ponders, "halflings!?!?!?!"
Paramedic says, "I'm surprised the broom thing isn't passe"
(Tere glances at Samwise)
(Ire does, too)
(Samwise glances at Tere)
Prue exclaims, "it's a classic!"
Seld'kar ponders, "Run Sammy!!!! i think they're getting hungry"
Samwise ponders, "They are always hungry"
Tere says, "never goes out of style"
Paramedic says, "Ah I see, it just keeps coming back every year"
Prue shows what looks like a broomstick to everyone.
Ire says, "how can you go wrong with a broom? timeless."
Prue says, "basic broom. should be in every bewitching wardrobe"
Ire asks, "oh, say, para, do you like my black stole?"
Ire says, "it's made of cat."
Paramedic says, "It's lovely"
Ire says, "coalcat, I think.."
Paramedic says, "Appalling yet functional"
Tere says, "no meow included"
Ire says, "yeah, it's nice and quiet"
Ire says, "and it's been scraped by real witches"
Paramedic says, "Well, ladies, I do have to be going, but you'll be pleased to know that ..."
Samwise ponders, "Any other thoom but Para would have fallen by now"
(Tere takes out a tape measure)
(Tere measures Para's torso)
Paramedic says, "due to the high speed of TMN, you're already on the front page"
Ire says, "that's marketing."
Tere asks, "oh?"
Tere says, "charming."
Prue asks, "are the pictures flattering?"
Paramedic says, "Quite flattering"
Tere asks, "how could they be anything but, Prue?"
Prue says, "true true, sister"
Paramedic says, "it's a lovely set of poses"
Prue asks, "what about our fee?"
You hand Prue 2 coins. You have 105 remaining.
You hand Tere 2 coins. You have 103 remaining.
Tere says, "very good."
You hand Ire 2 coins. You have 101 remaining.
(Prue rubs two coins together happily)
Tere says, "thank you Para"
Paramedic says, "your fees"
Paramedic says, "thank you all"
Ire says, "hey thanks."
Paramedic yells, "Thoom!"
(Ire bites a coin)
Prue yells, "Prooo!"

Posted by Para at July 23, 2002 08:46 PM

Amazing, I've never even seen some of those witches before. Maybe this means they'll reveal their artwork in the museum soon.

Posted by: Jeanne on July 24, 2002 10:36 AM
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