November 06, 2003
Lurking Thoom


Largely OOC stuff from a lurking Thoom today.

I'm still here. There just hasn't been much news lately, and there have been few journal updates to post. It's usually quiet for a while after Tsrrin.

K'Pyn and HGM have had some interesting and well-reasoned discussions on the portals on USENET.

I've added info on the IRC chatroom: #Clanlord to the right-hand column. #Clanlord is a good place to check if you're having trouble reaching the Clan Lord server, as happened a few weeks back for most people.

Does anyone have any information on what happened to Iho and the Court Archives?

Tsrrin, of course, is over. Here's a couple more pictures I have handy:

A sombrero-line and a maha with pooped paws

Pig vs. wendecka: an epic struggle

Eldon GM held a GM chat recently in the Fairgrounds. The transcripts I have come across have been too long and unwieldy to edit and post, unfortunately. He reported progress on some new areas he is working on, and he listened to an airing of views from various exiles regarding portals. Perhaps some other exiles might mention other highlights in the comments. On Clan Lord Sentinel, you can read about what Ann GM and Eldon GM are working on in this message thread.

Other recent topics on the Sentinel:
Dopplegangers in the Arena (an idea HGM mentioned on USENET that I find very interesting)
Monster AI (this came up in the Eldon GM chat, with regard to Rodan panthers)
Ann's World Library idea
Jury sizes
OS X text window problems (I have this problem with the client myself)

ELF is planning a skinning contest. More details will be forthcoming.

Finally, I'm working on setting up some sort of sideblog or forum to facilitate bringing together Clan Lord players who are interested in joining up to play Neverwinter Nights. I hope to announce something soon.


Posted by Para at November 06, 2003 12:09 AM
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