April 24, 2005
Sor Throws Farewell Party and Auction


Sor sent the following announcement to TMN:

Fellow Exiles,
Friends whose company I have enjoyed for many years,
Various arch-enemies,

Time has come for me to retire from the realm of Puddleby. I never really believed this day would happen, but it has! I have found inner peace, and I'm going to meditate until the great Sun Dragon calls me.

To rightly celebrate this festive moment, there will be a major keg-opening, pie-throwing and pretzel-crunching event in town center, followed by a big auction of valuable stuff I no longer need—including chains, metal, various ores, EPS, clothes, weapons, instruments, pass key, horn!

You better come with an empty bag and padded pockets.

Profits will go to a last round of blackjack, and/or the Armor Fund.

Date is set to OOC Saturday, April 30th at 11 am PST.

If there are leftovers, I may hold another auction the day after, Sunday, at the same time.

See you there!

-Sor, Knight of the Rainbow

Posted by Para at April 24, 2005 11:53 PM
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