May 29, 2005
Orga Attack


Sativa sent the following report to TMN:

I was relaxing in town center, when suddenly yet another attack from the orga came from the east. In a short amount of time, we could tell from their drum beats that they were from the new tribe. Sure enough, we found our mission was to find the war party leader in the midst of throngs of orga.


We were stopped at the east field bridge for quite some time, but soon were able to break through, and push the orga back further and further.


After hours of battling east and southward, through hordes of Warlocks, Hemlocks, Dredlocks, Furies, Frenzies and more, we cornered them in Gerag's slime cave.


Through my scanning, I was able to find a green orga within the cave, and we can only assume this was the leader. Unfortunately our party so far has failed in our mission, as the cave was filled with Dredlocks, making it impossible to get inside. For now, the green orga is still hiding in the cave. With luck, during another attempt we may be able to find it, and learn more about this mysterious new tribe of orga.


Posted by Para at May 29, 2005 08:44 AM
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