August 07, 2005
Surfin' Sea Meshra


Creed sent the following report to TMN:

Hey Paramedic!

It seems that the previously reported Sea Chicken is not the only strange phenomenon appearing in the lands.

Antha, a young healer of my acquaintance, made a sketch of a Sea Meshra, which has been swimming about in the surf near the western docks for several days now. Very odd!


On her way to the tailors' shop, Antha came across another sight—not a surprising one, but worth reporting on. The person asleep on the job under the tree is our own Kahn St'ple—snoring on the job! If the only law in town weren't Kahn's own twin, perhaps something would be done about this!



Posted by Para at August 07, 2005 01:44 PM
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