September 16, 2005
Clan Destine Hunts Cloud & Dred


Rhone sent the following report to TMN:

Once upon a time, a little-known clan would've been in danger from the maha and boloks that stalked the sands of Kitty Beach. The clan that was never there is all grown up now. The guest of the hunt was Largo, a fen fighter. The Tri-Power Destine Rod (Sim, Sabine, and Creed) held every animal with force while the hunt leader, Bakunan, and his fell blade hit every bear and maha weak point with grace and ease. Largo threw down a tag on everything with four legs. As for myself . . . between the falling and low blood count, I fought hypothermic conditions and frustration as below zero temperatures caused my bloodblade to freeze and bond with the inners of my wounds.

After destroying multiple bears and maha, we left with fresh bruises, cuts, and scars. Only the knee-high snow foot holes and blood-colored snow brought testament to a level of killing rarely witnessed. We continued to Camp Dred where we fought the typical rage group and wraith sent straight from Orga hell. Bir showed up half-drunk to slice the wraith. A successful and glorious hunt. Reading books during this hunt of hunts was Ootog, Claudia, Cyan, and Sian.

"We Were Never Here"






Posted by Para at September 16, 2005 03:20 AM
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