November 12, 2005
Smog Monster


Bakunan sent the following report to TMN:

Hedorah, the flying smog monster, visited Town Center (although Crius calls it a medium slime monster). It hovers out of reach. It cannot be hit by man, Zo, or beast. (Hoggle brought a bear.) Lava cloak didn't affect it. It flies over fences and buildings. As you can see in my visionstone drawing, it couldn't be lured away either.

Saffire warned about it on the CL Informer, so it has been around at least 5 (OOC) hours.



Connie Crete sent the following report to TMN:


Woked up way early causn Cena and Ronja be gitn married this weekend. Anyway, dun overslept, but that be another story.

In town there were a medium slime monster. 'cordin ta Ragin, there been a slime invasion in tha wee hours o tha mornin and one were left. Thisun be like a lesserspectre slime monster. Caint zu, zoo, duellin blade, or regular axe it. Caint lead it outta town. I figgures it'll git bored and go home eventuallike.



Posted by Para at November 12, 2005 09:26 AM
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