January 22, 2006
Creepy Catsbane


Creed sent the following report to TMN:

Hi Para,

I have a couple of news reports that I just haven't had time to send you until now. None of these are particularly earth-shattering, but some of your readers may find them interesting or entertaining.

On a recent MI hunt, my clansister Sian and I saw something neither of us had seen before: Baby Wendecka! I managed to quickly sketch one of them before running to join the rest of the group. We actually saw three or four during that hunt, and I saw another Baby on another hunt soon after. But I've never seen them before that day or since.

I'm also attaching a sketch I made near the Camp Dred portal. As you can see, a group of us were preparing to enter the pf to Foothills. But I was distracted by the interesting site of a pinch of catsbane sitting in a tree. This catsbane may or may not be the same one that was spotted sitting on some rocks inside Camp Dred a couple of weeks ago. Its behavior certainly is odd! No one seems to be able to pick it up—it just sits there out of reach and taunts us!

Last but not least, I thought I'd thank Panos on behalf of my friend Antha for taking her and Finegas on a long mosey recently. It was very kind of him to shepherd two younger exiles through some very difficult areas so they could gain some experience. Among other places, they went to Crawler's Revenge and then —as you can see—the tah'xis cave (spelling?). Antha and Finegas both managed to tag this Blind Amphibia and gain a vanq when it succumbed to all of our blades (mostly Panos and Finegas' blades!).

Live from somewhere in Puddleby,
-Creed of Clan Destine



Posted by Para at January 22, 2006 09:04 AM
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