July 25, 2006
Captain Scabfoot


Clyde sent the following report to TMN:

'lo Para,

The other day, during our round of once-per-two-zodiacs Capture the Flag, we had an unexpected but friendly visitor from an island nearby join our match. Captain Scabfoot greeted us and understood our game within moments. Seeing as we had Kalian, Captain of the Navy around as well, we had our two Captains and a good pair of rounds to follow, Navy versus Darshak style.

Daimoth and the Captain made a wager of five kegs on the final round, which after a fulfilling flag-tagging session, Scabfoot won, in a pinch.

Before he could receive his victory beer, his crewmates saw him go to Puddleby Island. Misunderstanding the situation, they attacked Puddleby in a bid to kill the Captain. Several waves of Darshak stormed the beach.


Puddleby's exiles successfully defended the town, as well as the now-exiled-himself Scabfoot. A Greater Death made an appearance as well, but with the Captain's help, it went down to defeat in Town Center.


The Captain, while grateful, had no home to return to. The Pirate King and many others offered him several options, the most appealing of which appeared to be Balengil's land, up in the north.


An escort of exiles brought the Captain to the grape farmer Gatsby. With a little persuading, the Captain was invited to stay for two zodiacs, so long as no trouble finds him. The Pirate King is encouraging others to make sure he feels welcome. Stop by the North Lake area and say hello. Best to be wary of any Darshak spies as well. If they find him out, they'll no doubt make every effort to ensure his demise.



Posted by Para at July 25, 2006 11:43 PM

/action applaudes.

Posted by: Wangah Rah on July 26, 2006 05:33 PM
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