September 14, 2006
Return of the Chicken


Creed sent the following report to TMN:

Hail Para!

It seems that the rumors are true! Both Chance and I had occasion to see Chance's long-lost clan-sister . . . er . . . clan-chicken in town just recently, doing what he does best. Super Chicken has returned!

Our lil' chicken friend has made several short trips into town from wherever he's been hiding out . . . I mean studying all this time. He's entertained Town Center with loud horn blowing and bouts of chicken morphing, but of course, the crowning achievement was a very good-sized GrabFoot™ line. Sadly, it wasn't long enough to equal a record, but considering how long we've all been without the Chicken's teachings, it's amazing any of us remember how to grab on to that foot and gnaw . . . I mean hold on.

All hail the Chicken! Bawk!



Posted by Para at September 14, 2006 10:44 PM
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