November 03, 2007
The Death of Ook


Savior sent the following report to TMN:

Thoom, Para

Your intrepid Thoom reporter came out of the library recently to find an invasion in full force. A Baby Wendecka had wandered into town only to be killed by a cruel and heartless exile.* The pass-dwellers took their revenge and invaded!

Exiles battled Gloaming, Twilight, Night Wendecka, Day Wendecka, and silverbacks of various stripes through the farms and the fields, pushing them slowly back to the forest and finally the passes.

Awaiting us in the GMV was the Furious. Mother. Wendecka.

She unleashed her wrath on the exiles who charged into the greymyr area. With cries of rage, she dropped hapless fighters and healers in just a few blows. In spite of a solid Thoom presence, it was rough going.

A good thoom presence

Numerous sorties were made against her to little avail. Blows were landed here and there, but by and large, she held the upper hand.

The Furious Mama does a victory dance!

We tried to talk to her.


Drathos translates.

We tried some alternate plans.

Naferu has a plan.

Kani gives it his best shot. She wasn't receptive.

Strategic falling to try to reason with her.

It only angered her more.

Largo tries to hide. Hoggle dives for cover.

We finally realized we couldn't calm her down. Mephisto played some music for her, which seemed to calm her some, and exiles put her down.

After many hours of battle and attempts at negotiation, exiles healed the fallen and headed home. Farewell to Mama and farewell to Baby Ook.


*The exile in question, a certain sylvan fighter, was heard complaining that she got baby munkie brains on her dress.

Posted by Para at November 03, 2007 08:23 AM
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