February 16, 2008
Scoop Found


CJ parker sent the following report to TMN:

Scoop found, no ice cream though!

PAG & EAT recently held their usual monthly (OOC) meeting to explore the Orga Stronghold. The front door is very well protected, and despite a few efforts on previous trips, we have since given up using that entrance and use the back door instead. It's a longer trip, but a little easier. It requires two mystics to port us, but we are usually lucky enough to have two or three with us, so porting our numbers through the Slate Caves is usually not an issue.

Recently, we found Katpus and Trillbane, and the trips have focused around getting people to Trillbane and PF checking every inch of the Orga Stronghold. This is a dangerous, long, and somewhat tiresome task at times (tree humping as we call it).

We have checked all areas within the Stronghold and found no new areas, although we have found a few shortcuts within the area and a few quicker ways home.

Our main task has been trying to understand exactly what we are doing here, and to figure out what Katpus is meaning by, "if you have any catapult parts or plans, I'd love to see them". We have found three pieces of parchment plans now, and these are the real deal, not the fake ones which we found a while ago in the last snell of the Stronghold. Unfortunately, Katpus doesn't know what to do with these. Although we showed him them all and tried many ways to get him to acknowledge our achievements, he didn't change his tack.

Somewhat disappointed with this fact, the group has been a bit down on the past few trips, seeing no way to actually help Katpus, and finding no clues as to our next goal, As a result, our attendance and willingness to take four-hour (OOC) trips is waning, obviously! The last trip, however, saw what might be deemed as a breakthrough: we found a piece of catapult!

An Orga Loathing, a fearsome beast, dropped a piece of the catapult: a scoop, to be exact. Shiner picked it up, and we then headed towards Katpus. Now, my memory is a little faded on this part, but we all gathered at Katpus and waited for his smiling face to tell us something new as we handed him the part. Well, he took the part but said he needed more, or that's what we think he said. He didn't say that much at all, a quiet one is this Katpus (must be all the years alone out here).

We then hunted around for more loathings. We found a few, but none gave us any more parts. All we can presume now is that we need to hunt down loathings and get parts. How many, who knows; how often the loathings will drop them, we don't know; how long it will take, I wish we knew!

The main focus of the group is now to kill loathings and find parts. We have a goal again, so we hope we can complete it quickly. Our success depends on how lucky we are with loathings, we think. If anyone finds parts, please let a member of our groups know.

When we have any more news, we'll let everyone know. Oh, if I got any details wrong then exiles can correct me. Unfortunately, I don't have any recent pictures of the recent hunts.

Cj parker for PAG & EAT

Posted by Para at February 16, 2008 07:20 PM
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