March 11, 2010
Cease-Fire with Nature Reached


Bladebringer sent the following report to TMN:

Bladebringer here with a submission.

A representative of nature visited town today after a drawn-out battle with the flora of Puddleby Island. Nemboreal, a tree giant versed in Common, laid the groundwork for the terms of a lasting peace with the forest. If the road is not removed by exiles, Nemboreal promises the unruly forest will complete the task (perhaps more violently than we'd like).


After speaking with Nemboreal, former road-overseer Romanus changes his tone, and offers to replace the road with something more green, as long as the exiles agree. Stinkfist threatened bodily harm if Romanus tried to accept more stones for the additional work to remove the road.

Nemboreal also illuminated an alternative way to guide lost souls to the University:


Overall, a productive meeting with nature.

Exiles need to make a choice: do we continue this fruitless stalemate with the forest, or embrace the natural and demolish the hexagon road?


Posted by Para at March 11, 2010 09:15 PM

Refusal to follow through on the deal to split the stones equally will result in the stone being impounded. Also the road crew sent to gather the stones will also be put under heavy armed guard.

Storage is planned for the excess for producing some paving to town square. Either in a jail cell, or in a warehouse.

Posted by: Starsword Eojek on March 13, 2010 07:39 PM

Ooh pretty...

Posted by: Inu Teisei on March 16, 2010 02:41 PM
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