October 02, 2014
Bloodmages v. Bugs


Connie Crete sent the following report to TMN:

Ber Para,

So tanight we had SL and Shadowmist as guests. After a quick jog ta deep toks, I thought o a good Ebsplosion place - Ash Scarymis.

Our first plan were fer Prae ta run tha scarymis, and we'd fort near tha exit >>. Prae ennered and were immediate swarmed from tha s door.
Our second plan were fer tha remainders: me and Tas and Eb and SL and Shadowmist ta go from tha n ta tha >> exit and try ta git a foothold ennerin from tha n. Tas and Shadowmist dun a real good job o goin >>, but didnt make it ta tha exit. I had SL and Eb on tha chain while they possumed and seein a wall o scarymis, decided ta go << ta tha maze door. Eb and SL popped up off tha chain and bashed and bashed. Unfortunately, had dun kilt alla healers. So tha scarymis jest needed one luck hit ta keel tha bloodmages.

We has decided, and by we, I means me, that bloodmages could use tha skill o bloodwhisperin. Lettn em call tha lil blood candies ta thems when critters is too deep ta let them git their candies. Tha droplets dont gotta move fast, but tha scarymis was too deep fer me ta push em off o tha blood candies. Funny is when a bebby bloodwhisperer steals blood from Stinky. That'd be worth tha price o admission.

Anyway, so what happened.... Eventual SL got bit daid, then Eb got bit daid. I chained em home ta town and they gotted up. We went back and gotted Tas and Shadowmist. Prae had ta short walk. And then we made it home and declared victory.

Only 20% this time. I'll git everybudy ta depart next time.



Posted by Para at October 02, 2014 11:27 PM
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