June 18, 2003
Chaos Storm #290


Chaos Storm #290 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read the comments.

Posted by Para at June 18, 2003 10:25 PM

Delta Tao's What's New for v290:
6/18/03 v290

* No crashes or deadlocks to report since the last update.
* Special fighter weapons, bright clubs, and shiny daggers no longer stick to other exiles.
* You can now dump a keg on the ground with /USEITEM /empty, although you may risk injury from scandalized dwarves.
* A pair of new halfling icons are available for testing in the fairgrounds. Many thanks to the volunteer artist who created them.

Posted by: Para on June 18, 2003 09:30 PM

What else is new, everyone?

Posted by: Para on June 18, 2003 09:31 PM

New PF shortcut from the Blue Pants seller in East Forest to New East Forest.

Posted by: Sagramor on June 19, 2003 01:50 AM

The Champion's suite of rooms has been remodeled. I think the raised the price of earthpower checking from 10-20 too....or was it always 20 ? Still no player list icon for champions though

Posted by: Sagramor on June 19, 2003 02:37 AM

The RIver Tunnel has had a facelift, or is it a makeover? Never did work out the difference...anyway it looks 5 years younger or newer now. Certainly recent, if not new this latest storm.

Posted by: Sagramor on June 19, 2003 02:40 AM

Geez, fer gosh sakes, who did the new halfling icons?

Posted by: Odes on June 19, 2003 02:58 AM

The price for checking ore went up from 10 to 20c in the last storm, not this one. The probability of finding something good was also doubled.

Posted by: Viola on June 19, 2003 03:59 AM

Something strange going on in the skies above us.....

Posted by: Sagramor on June 19, 2003 04:03 AM

Somebody post a pic of the new halflings? I'm stuck on a PC.

Posted by: Habbakuk Lal on June 19, 2003 03:00 PM


Posted by: Para on June 19, 2003 03:40 PM

There is a new path linking the 2 safe trees in south forest (2s 1e of scout- 1n of mirror)
Path is either a first or 2nd chamber path.

Posted by: Bob the Archer on June 20, 2003 11:04 PM

Theres a new quest in the basement of the healers hall. You have to show a sample to as many creatures as you can.

Posted by: Liolel on June 22, 2003 11:54 AM
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