August 12, 2006
Ongoing Orga Crisis


Wangah Rah sent the following report to TMN:

Latest Orga War update:

Today the orga sent a specialized force of half a dozen warlocks, which quickly felled the few in town and kidnapped me. They demanded to be told of the altar, which I refused. Drue soon was kidnapped as well, and in order to buy time told the orga he would tell them about the altar. We were rescued from OC, but a warlocked slipped into a passage in a bush, and a force of warlocks took the temple and began peforming a ritual on the altar.

Currently, the altar sends out bolts of lightening, and orga are being seen in Purgatory. Several strong fighters fell and departed in order to eliminate a number of warlocks and small green orga from Purgatory. Be wary and please keep other exiles posted of the latest happenings with the altar sabotage!

-Wangah Rah

Posted by Para at August 12, 2006 12:30 AM
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