December 07, 2017
Chaos Storm #1045


Chaos Storm #1045 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!

Delta Tao's "What's New" for v1045:

12/6/2017 v1045
A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. — Mark Twain (1835–1910)

* Merry Bawkmas!
* ... and all other coincident holidays!
* Certain items in a certain far-off mountain should be significantly more common.
* Several monsters which had been inadvertently shaved have been reupholstered.

Posted by Para at December 07, 2017 09:53 PM
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