July 29, 2009
Chaos Storm #609


Chaos Storm #609 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!

Delta Tao's "What's New" for v609:

7/29/2009 v609
The future has a way of arriving unannounced. — George Will

* No crashes in 173 days and counting. The record is 723 days.
* You’ll have to explore to discover the rest of this Chaos Storm’s changes. Enjoy!

Posted by Para at 09:36 PM
July 22, 2009
Falling With Ackkbar


Ackkbar has a new journal.

Falling with Ackkbar


Posted by Para at 05:35 PM
Creed Passes Fifth Circle Test


Creed sent the following announcement to TMN:

Hail, Para!

I am proud to announce that I finally passed the 5th circle healer test. Woot! I can hardly believe it. I worked hard for this day, and I finally made it!

Thanks to all for the well-wishes I received when I passed. I've attached a sketch of the big moment for you to publish if you like. Of course, it doesn't show my spiffy new 5th-circler outfit. :-)


Posted by Para at 05:13 PM
July 21, 2009
Cammie Updates: Rocked in the Foothills, Slug Invasion


Cammie has updated her journal with the following entries:

Entry the Seventieth: Orga child care?!
Entry the Seventy-first: Town raided by exiles!



Posted by Para at 05:59 AM
July 20, 2009
November's New Journal


November has a new journal.


Posted by Para at 07:08 AM
July 12, 2009
Stora Returns


Iriel Red sent the following report to TMN:


It might be of interest to the public that Stora walked around Town Center yesterday—he's experiencing bad problems with falling asleep in inappropriate places and was expecting to spend time in the library until he found a cure for his predicament, if I understood him correctly.

Report at Iriel's Journal
Story at Clan Lord Sentinel
OOC Story at Clan Lord Sentinel

Cheers from a Stora fan,
-Iriel Red

Posted by Para at 06:20 PM
Bloodbath in the Jury Box


Super Chicken sent to TMN the following report:

I was happily strolling along with my Blight Feral befriend when suddenly I got called for jury duty! I was teleported into the jury box and surprisingly, we had a surprise juror!









-Super Chicken

Posted by Para at 04:05 PM
July 10, 2009
Chaos Storm #606


Chaos Storm #606 has swept the Lok'Groton island chain. Please post any changes you have observed and wish to share with others in the comments. If you don't want to read possible spoilers, please do not read any further!

Delta Tao's "What's New" for v606:

7/8/2009 v606
When you're multitasking, you get the appearance that you are working on several things at once, but if you stop and finish one thing, and then the other, you'll get them done faster. — Bosco Tjan

* No crashes in 152 days and counting. The record is 723 days.
* A rolling stone gathers no moss.
* You’ll have to explore to discover the rest of this Chaos Storm’s changes. Enjoy!

Posted by Para at 08:38 AM
Mumble Mumble


Kayaan sent the following report to TMN:

Hey Para,

Didn't see any stories on this yet, so I thought I'd send it to you.

There appears to be a new builder by the name of Margarethe in the camp fire area of the River Tunnel. She seems very hush hush about what she's building and isn't very far in her building process.



Posted by Para at 08:35 AM
July 05, 2009
Creed and Chance Report In


Creed sent the following report to TMN:

Hail, Para!

Chance and I felt we should let some of our fellow exiles and Clanmembers know why we have both been out of touch more than usual lately. As it happens, we have a mutual friend who is quite ill, recovering from surgery in a hospital on the farthest fringes of the Lok'groton Isles. We have both spent much time nursing and consoling our friend.

She is feeling better and hopes to be out and about again soon. In the meantime, Chance -- who worries about these things -- asked me to send you the attached sketch she made of Nogurd sleeping on the job even more blatantly than usual. I tell Chance she can't let it get to her...


Posted by Para at 11:21 PM